Project Name ………………. Labib Dyeing Ltd
Category ……………………… MBR Project
Capacity ……………………… 3600 m3/day
Location …………………….. Gazipur.
Client …………………………. Labib Group
Status …………………………. On Going
MBR from Mitsubishi Rayons is used for this project. Here a cooling tower is used for cooling down the inlet water temperature. Then there is a drum screen from lackeby, Sweden. And also sludge dewatering press from AMCON, Japan.
Project Name ………………. Maxcom International ( BD) Ltd
Category ……………………… MBR ETP
Capacity ……………………… 1920 m3/day
Location …………………….. Hemayatpur, Savar
Client …………………………. Pioneer Group
Status …………………………. On Going
In this project MBR(Membrane Bio Reactor system is used. This project is designed by 2 nos of MBR from Mitsubishi Rayons Ltd. A Grit Classifier from Lackeby, Sweden, is used for dividing the grits from the waste water. A sludge dewatering press from AMCON,Japan is also used in this project.